Health Care Transition

Health Care Transition Workshops for Families

Health Care Transition

Health Care Transition is the change from pediatric to adult healthcare services. This transition typically takes place between the ages of 12 and 26 years. Extra planning may be needed if your child has a developmental disability or special health care need.  This webpage offers tools, resources, and trainings to help guide your child’s transition to adult-centered healthcare. All times are Central Time Zone.

Information on the Workshops

Build Your Bridge: Moving from Child to Adult Health Care
This is a free presentation and conversation to help guide families through the transition from child-centered to adult health care systems. Youth and families are often overwhelmed and under-prepared for the transition to adult health care. This presentation will introduce and discuss when to start thinking about health care transition as well as provide helpful tools and resources.

Check back in 2025 for more dates.

Bridging the Gap
This is a free presentation and conversation and is for community members (educators, employers, care managers, families, etc.) to learn what Health Care Transition is, how health care impacts other areas of transition, and what skills can be learned before adulthood.

Check back in 2025 for more dates.

Dreaming Differently: Planning the Transition to Adult Healthcare
This is a free presentation and conversation to help guide families whose child has a significant intellectual and/or developmental disability or medical complexity. Family members will spend 90 minutes learning about the unique experience of transitioning to adult health care for a child who is medically complex.

Check back in 2025 for more dates.

Transition Care Mapping (Piloting in 2024)

A Care Map is a visual way to show all the people and services involved in caring for and supporting your child. In this session, family members and self-advocates can visually map out their current people, services, and supports and then ask themselves what is going to change at age 18 or after high school and consider steps they need to take to ensure a successful transition.

October 30, 7:00-8:00pm Madison Sequoya Library Registration


Our partners at the Youth Health Transition Initiative also offer trainings for medical providers and other resources.