Parents often identify a lack of information about resources as one of the greatest barriers to care giving. For families and many professionals, finding resources is often like navigating a complicated maze with no clear set of directions.
Families and professionals may call the “Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs” and talk with staff one on one about specific questions or concerns.
Within this learning section you will find information about regional and statewide conferences, evidence based interventions for ASD, and where to find information about specific conditions and disabilities, health, education and other services.
Here are some great starting points:
- Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin
- Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin
- Autism Society of Southeastwern Wisconsin
- The ARC
- Wisconsin Family Ties
- Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education Training and Support (WI FACETS)
- Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI)
Also check with your local disability-specific groups, school districts, public health departments, or community organizations.