Stylize painting of a multicolored flower by an artist with Down syndrome

National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month — March

Join us in Celebrating! #DDawareness2022, #DDAM2022, #WorldsImagined.

Everyday in March, check out the Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs on  Facebook as we highlight one video a day from the Self-Determination Channel! Check out keynotes for the Self-Determination Conference, Stewing with Stacy, Sydney Uplugged, In the Spotlight, Speak Up, and more!

Multicolored starburst surrounding the title.

We sent flyers to over 100 libraries in our region to promote awareness for #DDAM2022!  If you spot the flyer or a display, send me a picture —

Special Time March 30, 1:00-1:45pm via Zoom Conversations on Showing Up for Kids! Grief and the Loss of a Young Child We will be joined by two moms, Danielle Gerber (LEND trainee) and Felica Turner-Walton (founder of Healing Our Hearts Foundation), who will share their stories and help us better understand what grief might look like, what support after a loss could look like (or not) and how our culture and community play a role.  Registration. You will receive the Zoom link when you register.

31 de marza. 9:00am-10:00am   Maravillas del Waisman  Un espacio creado por el Waisman Center, Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison para hablar con científicos y proveedores de salud acerca de discapacidades de desarrollo como autismo y síndrome de Down, enfermedades neurodegenerativas como Alzheimer y servicios que ofrece el centro a la comunidad.

For more information:

Como acceder

Van Hise Hall at UW Madison. Vertically large rectangular concrete tower with window rising up from a rectangular concrete building
Van Hise Hall, UW-Madison Photo CCO1.0 Wikimedia Commons

Special Event! March 31, 12:00-1:30pm (via Zoom) Short History of Eugenics in Wisconsin. Registration
During the early 20th century, the State of Wisconsin was one of the leading supporters of the eugenics movement. From politicians and doctors to academics and university presidents, Wisconsin’s most prominent figures used their political and educational capital to advance the study and practice of eugenics. In this presentation, Kacie Lucchini Butcher from the UW-Madison Public History Project will discuss the history of eugenics in Wisconsin and at UW-Madison and discuss the ways this history continues to influence our society.


Our presenter: Kacie Lucchini Butcher is a public historian whose work is dedicated to building empathy, advancing social justice, and serving marginalized communities as they reclaim their historical narratives. She is currently the Director of the UW-Madison Public History Project, a multi-year effort to uncover and give voice to the histories of discrimination, exclusion, and resistance on campus. The project will culminate in a physical and digital exhibit, public lectures, and curricular materials that will allow the Madison community to reckon with this history. Prior to coming to UW, Kacie was the co-curator of the award-winning exhibit Owning Up: Racism and Housing in Minneapolis which documented the history of racial housing discrimination and its effects on the city today. She is active in the public history community – hosting events and community conversations, attending trainings, and editing publications – and holds two committee positions for the National Council on Public History.