Conversations on Showing Up for Kids! is a regular webcast of the Children’s Resource Center-South. This is an informal time and space for families to learn, share and ask questions. Tim Markle, parent of children with special needs and director of the center, holds a virtual conversation with people and organizations who impact our children’s lives. Families, and the professionals who support them, are invited to join the conversation!
Registration for upcoming conversations is at
When you register you will receive a Zoom Link to join the conversation. Conversations are recorded and posted to the Community of Practice on Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Developmental Disabilities YouTube channel. A topical listing, with descriptions and links, is available below. A listing by date is available at
Upcoming Conversations
Go to to register for one or more gatherings.
We looking forward to scheduling more conversation in 2024! In the meantime, scroll down and watch one of our recorded Conversations.
Register for one or more at
Do you have a topic we should talk about or a speaker we should chat with? Drop us a note at
Recorded Conversations
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
2023 Conversations
Let’s Learn About the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance (WFACSA) November 21 Recording
Self-care on a Budget (Family Panel) November 15 Recording
Depression and Kids with ASD/DD October 31 Recording
How Can I Help from My Home (Family Panel) October 25 Recording
Should We Consider Homeschooling? October 19 Recording
What is a BIP? October 12 Recording
School has started! How do we change the IEP? September 27 Recording
Taking a deep dive into Neurodiversity – an educator approach September 18 Recording
Family Built Support Systems September 13, 2023 Recording
Positive Communication for Families and Schools September 6, 2023 Recording
Family Centered Mental Health May 31, 2023 Recording
Autism Acceptance Month April 2023 — Information
Creating and Using Goal Cards March 29, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet
How can School Nurses be a part of Transition Planning? March 22, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet
Emergency Respite Funding and More with Respite Care Association Mar 15, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet
Updates to the CLTS Waiver Program Mar 8, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet Slides
Why Should I Care about the State Budget? Mar 1, 2023 Recording
Taking Action! Madtown Mommas and Disabilities Advocates Feb 22, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet
Let’s Talk Tourette’s Syndrome Feb 15, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet
Family Leadership Activities with Family Voices of Wisconsin Feb 8, 2023 Recording
What is the WI BPDD? Feb 1, 2023 Recording
Basics of Birth to Three Jan 26, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet Slides
How Do Families Reset? A Family Panel Jan 18, 2023 Recording
Conversations by Topic
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
How can School Nurses be a part of Transition Planning? March 22, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet Join Louise Wilson, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction School Nurse Consultant, to talk about the overall role of school nurses and how they can be a critical part of successfully transition student from High School into adult life. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
Transition Programming Beyond Age 18 Mar 23, 2022
We were joined by Shelley Lehman from Wisconsin’s Transition Improvement Grant (TIG). The Beyond Age 18 guidance was designed to help support teams in creating individualized, meaningful transition programming supported by a robust network of transition stakeholders.
Recording Resource Sheet (with slides)
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When do Families Need to Start Thinking Transition? Part Two December 15, 2021
Building on Part One from October 13th, Rose Cutting, Aiming for Acceptance, joins Tim Markle to talk about children’s transition journeys. How can you stay a step ahead? What do you need to do and when do you need to do it? Where can we find help? We reviewed some timelines and checklists. Recording Resource Sheet
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Conversations: Hunter and Tim Talk Transition 11.23.21
Join Tim and his young adult son Hunter as they talk about Hunter’s journey to adulthood.
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Conversations: Writing a Quality Transition IEP for Students with Autism (Part 2) November 17, 2021
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Kate Szidon from the UW Waisman Center and the Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CSESA). We will be talking about the recommendations CSESA has to help families and IEP teams make a quality transition IEP for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Resource Sheet Slides
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Conversations: Writing a Quality Transition IEP for Students with Autism (Part 1) November 10, 2021
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Kate Szidon from the UW Waisman Center and the Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CSESA). We will be talking about the recommendations CSESA has to help families and IEP teams make a quality transition IEP for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Resource Sheet Slides
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When do Families Need to Start Thinking Transition? (Part 1) October 13, 2021
Rose Cutting, from Aiming for Acceptance, joins Tim Markle, from the Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, talking about their children’s transition journeys. How can you stay a step ahead? What do you need to do and when do you need to do it? Where can we find help? But even before we get to those important questions (spoiler alert–we will be back December 15th), we talk about dreams, expectations, interests and exposure.
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Aiming for Acceptance:
Family Support and Advocacy
November 21, 2023 Let’s Learn About the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance (WFACSA) Recording The mission of WFACSA is to raise awareness of family and caregiver support needs and increase the availability of and access to services and supports (both paid and unpaid) which will keep people across the lifespan engaged in their community as long as they desire. Let’s have a conversation about who is a Caregiver, what supports are available and how people can get involved with WFACSA. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
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November 15, 2023 Self-care on a Budget–Family Panel Strikes Back Taking care of yourself while on a budget, and no babysitter. We have all been through that. You be surprised how many ideas parents come up with. But those in crisis don’t have the luxury to think of those solutions all the time. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
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October 25, 2023 How Can I Help from My Home? Family Panel Returns Recording How can you make a difference while not even have to leave your home? Things like joining a non-profit to volunteer or committee and attending virtually. Parents are needed to voice concerns all the time. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
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September 13, 2023 Recording Family Built Support Systems — Families tell us it doesn’t just take a village, it takes a mafia. You need a mom-fia to help find your solutions with denials and doctor referrals, IEPs, transition stuff, and everything in-between. Join our Family Panel of lived experience experts and talk about different ways to build your support system. Yo u can contact Pearl at of Conversations on Showing up for Kids!
Please take a short survey after you watch the video:
Emergency Respite Funding and More with Respite Care Association of Wisconsin March 15, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet Join Respite Care Association of Wisconsin and learn about their new available to fund emergency respite care and learn about their other programs available in Wisconsin. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
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Why Should I Care about the State Budget? Mar 1, 2023 Recording In Wisconsin, a new state budget is approved every two years. Why does the state budget matter to families who have children with special health care needs/disabilities? How about for professionals who work with us? How can families get involved? Join Tami Jackson, legislative liaison and public policy analyst for the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities, and learn why the budget matters and what are they keeping an eye on this year?
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Taking Action: Madtown Mommas and Disability Advocates Feb 22, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet Join Madtown Mommas and Disability Advocates and learn how they began their advocacy efforts, what they hope to do, and how they connect with other families through Wisconsin, and work with their school district.
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Let’s Talk Tourette Syndrome Feb 15, 12:00-12:45pm Recording Resource Sheet We were joined by Scott Loeff and friends from the Wisconsin Tourette Association. Come and learn what is Tourette, what supports are available, and how you can attend The Connect Tourette Conference on April 1st!
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Family Leadership Activities with Family Voices of Wisconsin Feb 8, 2023 Recording
What is the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WI BPDD) Feb 1, 2023 Join Jeremy Gundlach, Communications Director, as we talk about what the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities is and why they matter to families in Wisconsin.
- BPDD website:
- 50th anniversary:
- 50th documentary:
- YLF applications:
- Supported Decision Making:
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How Do Families Reset? A Family Panel Jan 18, 2023 Recording We all have times where things have gone sideways. What are some ways families can hit the reset button and refocus? Let’s learn together, led by a Family Panel.
What do we know about Feeding Challenges? Nov 22, 2021 Recording Join Dr. Brittany St. John as she talks about her doctoral work with families who have children with disabilities and have feeding challenges. Part of Conversations on Showing up for Kids!
What do Families Need? Tuesday — Nov 1, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet Come join our Family Panel as we discuss what families need and how we can support each other. Part of Conversations on Showing up for Kids!
Live from the Self-Determination Conference Oct 19, 2022 Recording Join Tim and his son, Hunter, and other guests (hopefully). Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
Pandemic Parenting: Burnout and Strategies Sep 21, 2022 Recording Join Dr. Kate Gawlik as to talk about the report: Pandemic Parenting: Examining the Epidemic of Working Parental Burnout and Strategies to Help Let’s have a discussion around what is burnout? What did the report find? What can parents do? Dr. Gawlik is a family nurse practitioner and associate professor at The Ohio State University. You can connect with her on Twitter — @KateGawlik3; LinkedIn —; and Facebook — Kate Sustersic Gawlik
Latino Children/Youth with Special Health Care Needs/Disabilities and their Families June 8, 2022 Hector Portillo is founder and director of Padres e Hijos en Accion–a grassroots organization of individuals with disabilities, their families, friends, and community members building fulfilling and community-centered lives for Latino children. Recording is in Spanish and English. Check out Padres Facebook page at
Mindfulness in Special Education May 25, 2022 Recording Shannon Stuart is a professor at UW-Whitewater in Special Education. One of the approaches she teaches future educators is how mindfulness can be beneficial for people of all abilities. Come learn a little about mindfulness and children with special health care needs.
Brokering Hope April 27, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet We were joined by speaker, writer, podcaster, sister, wife and mom — Lola Dada-Olley from Not Your Mama’s Autism. Let’s talk hope.
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National Autism Society and our Wisconsin Affiliates April 26, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet We will be joined by Bob Johnston, parent and member of the Board of Directors of the Autism Society (National). Come learn about what the National Autism Society does, their recent rebranding and how they work with the three Wisconsin affiliates. We will also be joined by representatives of the three Wisconsin Autism Society affiliates.
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Depression and Autism April 19, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet We were joined by joined by Sara Warner, Psychologist with the Waisman Autism Treatment Program and the Waisman Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic. Come and talk about understanding, recognizing, and treating depression in the context of autism.
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Grief and the Loss of a Young Child Mar 30, 2022
We were joined by two moms, Danielle Gerber (LEND trainee) and Felica Turner-Walton (founder of Healing Our Hearts Foundation), who shared their stories and help us better understand what grief might look like, what support after a loss could look like (or not) and how our culture and community play a role.
Recording Resource Sheet
Let’s Talk Tourette Syndrome Mar 16, 2022
We were joined by Scott Loeff and Ellie Jarvie from the Wisconsin Tourette Association. Come and learn what is Tourette, what supports are available, and how you can attend The Connect Tourette Conference on April 2 for free (including children’s programming by Tourette Syndrome Camp USA).
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Financial Options for People with Disabilities for Self Determination February 22, 2022
James Giese, Director of Outreach for Wispact will join us. Come learn what special needs trusts and ABLE accounts are, who needs to think about using them, when should you think about starting one and what is Wispact.
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Advocacy For Change and other resources with Family Voices of Wisconsin February 16, 2022
Brigit Frank, from Family Voices of Wisconsin, will join us to talk about Advocacy for Change 2022 A Virtual Conference coming up on March 23 and 24. This virtual event will increase your advocacy skills and connect you with your state legislators. We will also talk about awesome resources from Family Voices of Wisconsin.
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Creating a Care Preference Plan January 26, 2022
Care Preference Plan is a powerful tool that allows families of children with special needs/disabilities to quickly and succinctly share information others need in order to know to understand how to best interact with the child. This knowledge will help their interactions go as smoothly as possible. We will be joined by a Katie Sullenbrand, a parent who created her own Care Preference Plan and will share ideas on how others can create their own! Katie is a nurse and homeschooling parent to two children with a variety of disabilities including ADHD and autism. She enjoys the outdoors as well as staying indoors with her three dogs and a cup of coffee.
Video Recording Resource Sheet
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Holidays with Hunter
December 22, 2021, Hunter Markle, a young man with Autism and Anxiety, will join Tim Markle (his dad), to talk about what Hunter has learned about celebrating, traveling, visiting and more. Bonus: Hunter’s birthday is December 23rd.
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Safety and Autism October 27, 2021
Join Molly Naef, parent and professional, as she discusses what she learned through being a mom and through researching her doctoral project, “Home Safety Planning for Children on the Autism Spectrum.” We will be talking about the importance of having a safety plan. Resource Sheet
In My Own Words Thursday, April 22 12:00-12:45pm
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Scott Allen. Scott is an advocate and leader in the Wisconsin Autism community. He is on the Board of Directors for the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin (ASC). He is founder and facilitator of the INTEGRAL Conference and serves as a facilitator for the ASC Adult Social Group. He has facilitated an empowerment group for autistic students at UW-Madison for 4 years and is currently using his Masters in Counseling as a counselor at Westside Psychotherapy. Scott will be sharing his current thoughts on bringing all parts of the autism community together.
Resources mentioned in this video
Notes/outline from Scott Allen:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Other Regional Centers:
Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin:
INTEGRAL Conference:
Autistic Self Advocacy Network:
Parent to Parent of Wisconsin (matching trained parents with parent wanting to connect with other parents:
Exploring the Controversy Around ABA Therapy :
Prevalence, Disparities and Lessons Learned from WISADDS Thursday, April 15
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Maureen Durkin and Angelica Salinas from the Wisconsin Surveillance of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities System (WISADDS). We will be discussing how the prevalence of Autism is determined, what disparities have been found and what other lessons we can learn from WISADDS.
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Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Maureen Durkin and Angelica Salinas from the Wisconsin Surveillance of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities System (WISADDS). We will be discussing how the prevalence of Autism is determined, what disparities have been found and what other lessons we can learn from WISADDS.
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Other Regional Centers:
Wisconsin Surveillance of Autism and other Developmental Disabilities System (WISADDS):
Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network:
What You Need to Know About the Autism SocietieS of Wisconsin Thursday, April 8
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN is joined by Kirsten Cooper, Kirsten Engel, and Emily Levine —the executive directors of the three Autism Society affiliates serving Wisconsin. We will be talking about Autism Acceptance Month, inclusion, community and how they make a difference in Wisconsin. Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin, Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin, Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin.
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Resources mentioned in this video:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Other Regional Centers:
Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin (ASSEW):
Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin (ASGW):
Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin (ASC):
ASSEW Ungala:
ASC Walk:
ASGW Conference:
Autism Self Advocacy Network (ASAN):
ASAN Identity First Language:
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
How to Find, Train and Retain Your Own Respite Workers with RCAW. Thursday, April 1
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Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Val Madsen, Training and Development Specialist with Respite Care Association of Wisconsin (RCAW). Come learn and talk about the tools RCAW has to help you find, train and retain your own respite care workers.
Resources mentioned in this video: Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Other Regional Centers:
Respite Care Association of Wisconsin:
RCAW Online Training Courses:
RCAW Grants:
RCAW Registry:
Family Voices of Wisconsin: Advocacy for Change Event and other Resources. Thursday, March 18
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Lynn Renner from Family Voices of Wisconsin. Come and learn about the resources and trainings they offer along with information on their Advocacy for Change event coming March 30th and 31st.
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Resources mentioned in this video:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Family Voices of Wisconsin:
Advocacy for Change Information and Registration:
Advocacy for Change Videos and Agenda:
What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and What are the Challenges Families Face? Thursday, February 25
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, talks with parents and leaders from Orchids WI FASD Services. FASD stands for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and is a developmental disability with life-long challenges that is twice as common as autism. Join us to hear from parents facing the challenges of helping children move into adulthood.
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Resources mentioned in this conversations:
Wisconsin Orchids FASD services:
Information and resources on FASD including how help others understand:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Let’s Talk Tourette and Tic Disorder! Challenges, Supports and an Awesome Conference Thursday, February 18
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Let’s Talk Tourette and Tic Disorder! Challenges, Supports and an Awesome Conference
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, talks with Ellie Jarvie, from the Wisconsin Chapter of the Tourette Association of America. Learn more about Tourette and Tic Disorder, what sort of challenges families may face, how families can find supports and a bit about their upcoming conference being held once a week, one hour a day for six weeks!
Resources based on this video: Tourette Connections Conference – FREE, but you must register Wednesdays from 12-1 CST February 24- March 31st More details here: Tourette Connections: Virtual Webinar Series – Tourette Association of America
Search for a doctor or therapist familiar with Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders and current treatments: Find A Provider – Tourette Association of America
Information on Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) CBIT: Information for Patients – Tourette Association of America or attend the webinar on 3/10/21. Register here:
Information about the Tourette Association of America- Wisconsin Chapter : Tourette Association of America
The Wisconsin Chapter has an active closed Facebook group, search Wisconsin Tourette Syndrome Support Group and ask to join.
Many free/low-cost resources at
Workbook on self-disclosure on tics and other mental health issues for teens : Up to Me – Teens – Tourette Association of America
Tic helper : Online self-guided adaptation of CBIT- TicHelper | An Online Intervention for Children With Tic Disorders
Tic clinic at Marquette University : Center for Psychological Services // Psychology // Marquette University
Tourette Camp USA – The longest running camp for youth with Tourette Syndrome and associated disorders: Tourette Syndrome Camp USA (
Tourette’s Podcast – Tourette’s Podcast
Kristin Neff, self-compassion Self-Compassion In the book Self-Compassion, Dr Neff talks about needing to really learn to apply self-compassion when she was helping her son with autism who was having a hard time while on a crowded plane. Great resource for parents of kids with any disability, or those of us who are parents with a disability. I especially like the free guided meditations and practices available on the website.
What is the Well Badger Resource Center and How Can They Help? –January 28, 2021
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
Well Badger Resource Center
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, will talk with Kristine Alaniz, from the Wisconsin Well Badger Resource Center. Well Badger is a one-stop connection to community, social, health and government programs – a place to find what you need, when you need it (including services for children and youth with special health care needs.)
How does the Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (SRC CYSHCN) Support Families?–January 21, 2021
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (SRC CYSHCN): 1-800-532-3321 SRC CYSHCN Facebook:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, talks with Information and Referral Specialists from the SRC. Find out who reaches out to the center and how we help support families and providers.
Parent Support and Parent to Parent of WI–October 15, 2020
Resources mentioned during the conversation:
Parent to Parent of Wisconsin
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN talked with Robin Mathea, Director of Parent to Parent of Wisconsin. We chatted about how connecting with other parents helps and where Parent to Parent of Wisconsin fits in.
Mental Health
Join Lindsay McCary, Director of Psychological Services at KGH Autism Services, and talk about what depression is, how it might look in kids with ASD/DD, and how families can help — especially when they are waiting to get into therapy. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
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Wisconsin Family Ties and the Children Come First Conference (CCF) October 20, 2021
Recording and Resource Sheet
Come learn about the CCF Conference being held November 15-16 at the Kalahari and Virtually! The CCF Conference is full of practical and inspiring content about caring for or working with children, youth, and young adults with social, emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges. Learn strategies to apply in your daily life. Connect with state and national experts. Obtain resources that you can use in your home, school, organization, or community. We will also learn a bit more about the force behind the conference, Wisconsin Family Ties. Wisconsin Family Ties (WFT) is the only statewide, parent-run organization in Wisconsin working with families that include children with social, emotional or behavioral challenges. We walk beside families to provide emotional support while helping to navigate the complex service and treatment systems with which they are involved.
Mental Health Crisis Card –Thursday, May 13
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Nick Krisko. Nick is lived experience partner with the Office of Children’s Mental Health and was part of the team that designed the Crisis Card. Come learn how the card was brought into being and how it can be used to help students and adults safely navigate a mental health crisis.
Resources referenced in the video:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Other Regional Centers:
Mental Health Crisis Card:
Office of Children’s Mental Health:
Office of Children’s Mental Health Collective Impact Teams:
Office of Children’s Mental Health Access Team:
Survey about using the card:
Anxiety and Heading Back to School–August 27, 2020
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
DPI Mental Health Resources for families:
NASP COVID-19 helping children cope with COVID-19 Changes:
National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement (scripts for teachers to talk to their students):
Care for caregivers NASP:
Focus on Mental Health and Wellness-DPI SSPW Team:
Children’s Book from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network:
CP Consulting:
Worry monster:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Connie Persike, Speech Language Pathologist and Behavioral Consultant from CP Consulting, and Tim Peerenboom, School Psychology Consultant for WI DPI. Listen in as they talk about ideas on helping our kids (and ourselves) deal with the anxiety of returning to school.
Anxiety: Ideas to help our kids be calm(er) and (more) focused–May 20, 2020
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN was joined by Connie Persike, Speech Language Pathologist and Behavioral Consultant from CP Consulting. Come learn some ideas on helping our kids (and ourselves) deal with our anxiety while staying safer at home.
Public (Formal) Supports/Health Benefits
Updates to the CLTS Waiver Program Mar 8, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet Slides Many families count on the Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program to provide support. Come join Lori Garsow and Jessica Holland, from the Bureau of Children’s Services, and learn about some changes to the program for 2023. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
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Basics of Birth-3 (and 2023 Updates) Jan 26, 2023
Come join Regena Floyd-Sambou, Birth to 3 Program – Children and Family Program Specialist, as we talk about what the basics of the Birth-3 Program and any updates we are aware of. Resource Sheet Slides
Basics of Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) March 22, 2022
We were joined by Jill Ellinwood, CCS Administrator for Sauk County. Let’s learn what CCS is, who it serves, and what it might look like in your county.
Recording Resource Sheet Slides
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Basics of 2022 Changes to the CLTS Waiver Feb 9, 12:00-12:45pm
There are some improvements to the CLTS waiver starting in 2022. We will talk about New Services, New Names, Transitioning out of the CLTS program and more. We will be joined by Jessica Holland and Beth Gullickson from the Bureau of Children’s Services, Division of Medicaid Services out of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Recording Resource Sheet Slides
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Basics of Birth to 3 January 19, 12:00-12:45pm
We were joined by Regena Sambou-Floyd, Children and Program Specialist from the Birth to 3 Program. We will be talking about what is Birth to 3? Who is for? How can someone enroll? Video Recording Resource Sheet
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Deciding Together: A Key Part of the CLTS Waivers Thursday, March 25, 12:00-12:45pm
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Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN was joined by members of the Deciding Together team out of WI Department of Health Services (DHS). We talked about how families and Support and Service Coordinators can work together to support the child with special health care needs on the CLTS Waiver.
Resources mentioned in this video:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
WI DHS CLTS main page: Services at a Glance: (English) (Hmong) (Spanish)
Conversations on What is CLTS and Katie Beckett:
Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program for Families:
Deciding Together Guide available in English, Spanish and Hmong:
What is EPSDT? If You Have Medicaid, You Need to Know! Thursday, February 11, 12:00-12:45pm
Resources mentioned in this video
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
HealthWatch Wisconsin’s Web Page
Resources for HealthCheck providers
Questions–contact ABC for Health at or 608-261-6939.
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, talks with Nick Tanner, from ABC for Health. EPSDT stands from Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment and is a child health component of Medicaid. Learn what is covered in Wisconsin and how you can access this service.
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids! What are the CLTS and the Katie Beckett programs? Nov. 5, 2020
PLEASE TAKE our feedback survey after you watch a video:
Resources mentioned in this recording:
Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program:
County Contact Information:
Katie Beckett Program:
Katie Beckett Contact Information:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (SRC CYSHCN):
SRC CYSHCN Facebook:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by representatives from Wisconsin’s Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program and Wisconsin’s Katie Beckett Program. Learn why these programs exist and who is eligible to take part in them.
Accessing the Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program–October 22, 2020
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program:
Eligible Specialized Telecommunications Equipment For TEPP:
Well Badger Resource Center:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (SRC CYSHCN):
SRC CYSHCN Facebook:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Holly O’Higgins and Billy Mauldin, Wisconsin’s Universal Service Fund, and Rebecca Wyland, Information and Referral Coordinator for Well Badger Resource Center. Listen in and learn about lowering your phone/internet bill through Lifeline, and getting connected to specialized and affordable telecommunications equipment through the Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP).
Connecting to Affordable Telecommunications-Lifeline and TEPP–October 1, 2020
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
National Verifier:
List of Carriers:
Well Badger Resource Center:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (SRC CYSHCN):
SRC CYSHCN Facebook:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Holly O’Higgins and Billy Mauldin, Wisconsin’s Universal Service Fund, and Rebecca Wyland, Information and Referral Coordinator for Well Badger Resource Center. Listen in to learn about lowering your phone/internet bill through Lifeline, and getting connected to specialized and affordable telecommunications equipment through the Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP).
Researcher Spotlight: Leann Smith Dawalt Nov 30, 2022 Recording Come meet Leann! She likes to talk about how disability affects the family system, how folks need to be supported, how people transition to adulthood and she directs the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Part of Conversations on Showing up for Kids!
Researcher Spotlight: Sigan Hartley Sept 28, 2022 Recording Come meet Sigan Hartley. Sigan likes to think about parents who have adult children with developmental disabilities, resiliency in marriages, and mental health in adults with ASD/DD. Whew! That’s a lot. How did Sigan get involved in all of this? Come find out.
Prevalence, Disparities and Lessons Learned from WISADDS Tuesday April 12, 2022 Recording Slides We were joined by Maureen Durkin and Angelica Salinas from the Wisconsin Surveillance of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities System (WISADDS). We will be discussing how the prevalence of autism is determined, what disparities have been found and what other lessons we can learn from WISADDS.
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Research Spotlight — Karla Ausderau, PhD 3.9.2022
We were joined by Dr. Karla Ausderau. Come learn more about Kinesiology and about Karla!
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Research at Waisman 1.12.2022
We were joined by Carrie Arneson, Manager of the Waisman Center Clinical Translational Core. We will talk about: what is research? what are different ways to participate? why should we participate in research? how can I connect to participate? Recording Resource Sheet
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Rural Wisconsin
Rural Wisconsin: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly–May 27, 2020
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Rose Cutting. Rose is a rural Wisconsin community member; mother of 3, wife of 1; founder of Aiming 4 Acceptance and The Learning Center. We had a wonderful conversation about the great things about being a rural family with a child with special needs and the not-so-great things about living in a rural setting.
School Nursing in Wisconsin
How can School Nurses be a part of Transition Planning? March 22, 2023 Recording Resource Sheet Join Louise Wilson, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction School Nurse Consultant, to talk about the overall role of school nurses and how they can be a critical part of successfully transition student from High School into adult life. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
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What is the Role of School Nurses?–Oct. 8, 2020
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
To learn more about a shared plan of care:
Wisconsin DPI School Nursing and Health Services:
Wisconsin Association of School Nurses:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Louise Wilson who is the School Nursing and Health Consultant for the WI Department of Public Instruction. Listen in on a conversation about what school nurses do and how important it is for families of children with special needs to build a relationship with their school nurse.
Special Education in Wisconsin
September 27, 2023 School has started! How do we change the IEP? Here we are a few weeks into school and maybe things aren’t going so well from the family’s point of view or maybe from the school’s point of view. Things can change over the summer. How can schools and families together make adjustments for new strengths and new behavior once the school year has started? We were joined by Eva Shaw, educational consultant from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. We spent some talking about changing the IEP once school has started. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
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September 18, 2023 Recording Taking a deep dive into Neurodiversity – an educator approach — This discussion aims to serve as an introduction for educators and families supporting children with disability-related needs in the area of social and emotional learning (SEL). The goal of this session is to give an introduction to skill-based approach that will support the growth of social understanding and self-management of neurodiverse students. Educating to inform not to conform. We will be joined by Katie Berg, SNS Statewide Coordinator | ES3 Grant Statewide Coordinator. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
WI FACETS: your partner in special education Oct 26, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet Join Bonnie Vandermeulen, Training Coordinator, from WI FACETS (Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training, and Support) the learn about the trainings and resources WI FACETS offers to families to help them journey through the Special Education System. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
Communicating with Your School Aug 31, 2022
Join a panel of parents a we discuss ways to improve communicating with your school. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
Back to School with a Panel of Parents Aug 24, 2022
Join a panel of parents as we discuss ways to prepare for a new school year in the midst of an ongoing pandemic.
Writing a Quality Transition IEP for Students with Autism (Part 1) May 20, 2022
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Kate Szidon from the UW Waisman Center and the Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CSESA). We will be talking about the recommendations CSESA has to help families and IEP teams make a quality transition IEP for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Resources referenced in the video:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Other Regional Centers:
Kate Szidon:
The Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CSESA):
CSESA Secondary School Success Checklist:
CSESA Hygiene:
Post-Secondary Transition Plan (PTP): What, Why and How May 6, 2021
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Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN is joined by Brian Kenney from the Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant. We will be talking about what a PTP is, why do all students receiving special education services need on and how can families and youth be involved in designing one.
Resources referenced in the video: Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Other Regional Centers:
Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant:
PTP Demo Site – Great for families to see what PTP looks like for their son or daughter:
WI Transition App – another great tool for youth and families:
Transition Assessments for Youth – Great Resource:
Middle School Transition Planning Guidance:
Special Education Transition Requirements During COVID-19 — March 11, 2021
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Resources mentioned in this video:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant:
DPI Memo on Transition Services during COVID-19:
DPI Questions and Answers on COVID-19 Additional Services:
Dispute Resolution Options:
WSPEI COVID-19 Additional Services Sheet:
Transition Padlet:
Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Transition:
WI Department of Health Service COVID-19 and Schools:
Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative:
WI DPI School Transition:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN will be joined by Alicia Reinhard, Education Consultant on Transition and Graduation Special Education Team. Join us in discussing the 2021 WI DPI Memo on Special Education Requirements During COVID-19. We will talk about the highlights and what families need to know.
WSPEI: Working with School Districts on Family Engagement — March 4, 2021
Resources mentioned in this video:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Conversations on Showing Up for Kids:
Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative:
WSPEI Family Engagement and Educators:
Powerful Partnerships: A Teacher’s Guide to Engaging Families by Dr. Karen Mapp —
Dr. Steve Constantino:
Wisconsin DPI Indicator 8:
Parent Teacher Home Visits:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN and Caroline Rossing, Statewide Grant Coordinator from the Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI) talk about how WSPEI is supporting school districts as the districts try to improve family engagement. Come hear how WSPEI is supporting schools and what they have learned. WSPEI is all about partnerships. It helps families and school districts build positive working relationships that lead to shared decision making and children’s learning.
How does the Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative (WSPEI) support parents?–Sept. 19, 2020
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI):
Cooperative Educational Service Agency (CESA):
Family Engagement at DPI:
Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System (WSEMS):
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (SRC CYSHCN):
SRC CYSHCN Facebook:
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN and Caroline Rossing, Statewide Grant Coordinator from the Wisconsin Stateside Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI) got together to talk about WSPEI and how it can support parents. WSPEI is all about partnerships. It helps families and school districts build positive working relationships that lead to shared decision making and children’s learning.
What can I do if I disagree with my school IEP team?–September 3, 2020
Resources mentioned in this conversation:
WI FACETS: Trainings, modules, resources on special education
WI FACETS Helpline: 1-877-374-0511
WSEMS (Wisconsin Special Education Mediation Services): Phone: (888)-298-3857
Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN:
SRC Information and Referral: 1-800-532-3321
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Matthew Zellmer, the Parent Services Coordinator for WI FACETS and Gia Pionek , System Administrator and Intake Coordinator, Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System. We had a great discussion about how to work through disagreements and what are the mediation options available to families and schools.
Special Education and IEPs with WI FACETS–June 3, 2020
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, will be talking with Matthew Zellmer, the Parent Services Coordinator for WI FACETS. WI FACETS is short for Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training and Support. Listen in and learn about Special Education in Wisconsin and where families can find support in understanding IEPs (Individualized Education Program). To contact WI FACETS– 877-374-0511 To contact the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN 800-532-3321
Engaging in Learning from Home
A Guide to Implementing IEPs and Monitoring Progress of IEP Goals When Moving Between In-Person, Hybrid or Virtual Learning Environments. Thursday, February 4
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Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, talks with Sharon Madsen, from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. To help IEP teams navigate the shifting learning environments, they researched and put together some best practices for implementing IEP goals. Learn about the guide and how it can be useful for IEP teams—including families!
Resources mentioned in this video:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs:
Training Video and Guide:
School Closures Impact on Students with CYSHCN–Sept. 17, 2020
Resources mentioned during the conversation:
Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Advocacy Groups:
The Impact of School Closures on Families and Students with Disabilities Family Focus Groups Report:
Education Forward: Reopening Wisconsin Schools:
Family Voices of Wisconsin:
Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (SRC CYSHCN):
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Liz Hecht from Family Voices of Wisconsin and the Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations. They talked about what the Survivor Coalition learned from their family focus groups on The Impact of School Closures on Families and Students with Disabilities held June of 2020.
Virtual Special Education: What we can learn from a virtual school’s experiences–May 13, 2020
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, was joined by Andrea Schmidt, 504 Coordinator, WIVA/WIDCA/ISWI and Amanda Maedke, Lead Special Education Teacher, WIVA/WIDCA/ISWI. Children with special needs who had been attending school in person had the support of their physical IEP team. Now they are at home, attending school online. For WIVA families, this is normal. Wisconsin Virtual Academy (WIVA), a K12 powered school, is based in McFarland. It is available for all students throughout Wisconsin as a public choice school.
An educator’s perspective on at-home learning–May 6, 2020
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, talked with Katie Berg, Coordinator of the Wisconsin’s Supporting Neurodiverse Students grant, about helping families engage in learning from an educator’s point of view during COVID-19.
Autism Acceptance Month Conversations 2022
Brokering Hope April 27, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet We were joined by speaker, writer, podcaster, sister, wife and mom — Lola Dada-Olley from Not Your Mama’s Autism. Let’s talk hope.
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National Autism Society and our Wisconsin Affiliates April 26, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet We were joined by Bob Johnston, parent and member of the Board of Directors of the Autism Society (National). Come learn about what the National Autism Society does, their recent rebranding and how they work with the three Wisconsin affiliates. We were also be joined by representatives of the three Wisconsin Autism Society affiliates.
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Depression and Autism April 19, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet We were joined by joined by Sara Warner, Psychologist with the Waisman Autism Treatment Program and the Waisman Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic. Come and talk about understanding, recognizing, and treating depression in the context of autism.
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Researcher Spotlight — Brittany Travers, PhD April 13, 2022 Recording Dr. Travers moves around the world of ASD and Motor Function, but we want to know more about Brittany. Come learn how she got involved in research, what drives her to continue, what her interests are (in and out of the lab) and why does moving matter?
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Prevalence, Disparities and Lessons Learned from WISADDS Tuesday April 12, 2022 Recording Slides We were joined by Maureen Durkin and Angelica Salinas from the Wisconsin Surveillance of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities System (WISADDS). We will be discussing how the prevalence of autism is determined, what disparities have been found and what other lessons we can learn from WISADDS.
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Schooling Options (in collaboration with the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin 2020 series)
October 19, 2023 Should We Consider Homeschooling? Recording We’ll be chatting with a parent that transitioned to homeschooling their youth with special health care needs (multiple diagnoses including ASD) starting at 6th grade to graduation. Hear about how she made school-time ‘super individualized’ for her child, building on existing strengths while supporting the parts of learning that were more difficult for her student. Also discussed will be a broad overview of the state requirements, where to start, what it means for state-testing, if going back to public school is possible (yes, it is), continuing OT and Speech Therapy, where to find social gatherings, accessing transition services usually offered by the school, building a curriculum, and what a homeschool day can look like. Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids!
Other resources from the Conversation: Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association (WHPA):
WHPA Homeschooling Statute information:
Example of “What your _____ grader needs to know” books:
WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) employment help:
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What is Homeschooling? Part 2 of a conversation about autism/special needs and special education
As families decide on which educational option is best for their child(ren), the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin (ASC) and the Southern Regional Center (SRC) for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs hosted a 2 part series on options for families. Tim Markle, ASC Education Committee and Director of SRC, was joined by two parents who have experience home schooling their special needs children along with a professional from the Wisconsin Homeschooling Parent Association (WPHA)
We hope this video gives families who have children with autism or other special needs more information about choosing homeschooling as a mode of education. You can find some excellent information on what Wisconsin Law says about homeschooling at
What is Virtual Schooling? Part 1 of a conversation about autism/special needs and special education–August 17, 2020
As families decide on which educational option is best for their child(ren), the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin (ASC) and the Southern Regional Center (SRC) for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs decided to have a 2 part series on options. Tim Markle, ASC Education Committee and Director of SRC was joined by two parents and two professionals from special education programs with virtual schools. We hope this video gives families who have children with autism or other special needs more information about choosing virtual school as a mode of education.
Summer 2020 Ideas
Ideas for Summer 2020 from Bay Cliff Therapy Camp–June 17, 2020
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center, was joined by Clare Lutgen, Executive Director of Bay Cliff Health Camp. Bay Cliff Health Camp is a non-profit organization that provides residential summer therapy programs that promote health, welfare, happiness and independence of children and adults living with physical disabilities. Come learn how Bay Cliff Health Camp is transforming into Bay Cliff Virtual Camp, how families can get involved, and other ways to sustain gains in the summer of 2020. To contact Bay Cliff: To contact the Southern Regional Center: 1-800-532-3321
Camp Cancelled? Ideas for Summer 2020 from Easter Seals Wisconsin: June 10, 2020
Tim Markle, Director of the Southern Regional Center, will be talking with staff from Easter Seals Wisconsin Camp Wawbeek and Respite Camp about free activities, stories, zoom activities and other programs to do at home since camp is cancelled throughout the summer. The camp provides recreational activities for children and adults with disabilities for 10 weeks in the summer and 24 weekends throughout the school year. Camp has been in operation for 81 years, and is the oldest continually operating Easterseals Camp in the nation. We will also be sharing where to find their resources online. Tim was joined by Carissa Peterson, CTRS (VP, Camp and Respite Services), Anna Korb, CTRS (AmeriCorps Program Manager), Jamie Lloyd (Director, Respite Camp) and Alex Peters (Director, Camp Wawbeek).
Southern Regional Center:
Easter Seals Wisconsin:
Do you have a topic you would like for us to talk about in 2023? Maybe you want to know more about transitioning to adulthood or what is a medical home and how can families partner with doctors? Maybe we should talk about public programs or partners or play? Should we bring on some researchers? We want to know! (Please do not include personal information or health information.)
Email your ideas to