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The Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN partners with a number of agencies to provide quality services to parents and caregivers. Our partners include:

Wisconsin Regional Center LogoWisconsin Regional Centers support families with children and youth with special needs and the providers who serve them. Free and confidential services include information, referral and problem solving, parent support, help understanding insurance coverage and applications, transition planning and connections to community resources.


ABC for Health LogoABC for Health is a Wisconsin–based nonprofit public interest law firm dedicated to ensuring health care access for children and families, particularly those with special needs or who are at risk. ABC for Health’s mission is to provide health care consumers with the information, advocacy tools, legal services, and expert support they need to navigate through America’s complex and confusing health care financing system.

Family Voices of WisconsinFamily Voices of Wisconsin is a statewide network of families who have children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities providing information, training and leadership opportunities so that families can be informed and effective partners in their child’s care and in influencing the systems that support them.


Parent to Parent LogoParent to Parent of Wisconsin supports parents of children with special needs through a one-to-one connection with another parent who has a child with a similar need.


Wisconsin Statewide Medical Home InitiativeWisconsin Medical Home Initiative promotes the concepts of medical home with pediatric primary care clinicians, families and service providers throughout Wisconsin.



Youth TransitionYouth Health Transition Initiative supports youth, families and providers around transition from pediatric to adult health care.

Well Badger Resource Center is the home of Wisconsin First Step—information and referral for CYSHCN. Well Badger is available at 1-800-642-7837, Monday-Friday 7:00am-6:00pm or through email at wellbadger@wwhf.org.



GeneticsGenetics Systems Integration Hub works to integrate genetics with public health systems in order to support individuals with genetic disorders, their families, and the professionals who work with them.




Wisconsin Newborn Screening Program identifies babies through hearing, blood, and pulse oximetry testing who may have a condition that needs early treatment.



Women, Infants and Children (WIC) CYSHCN/Birth Defects: Nourishing Special Needs Network is a network of WIC dietitians/nutritionists trained in identifying and caring for the nutritional needs and feeding challenges of CYSHCN.


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