2022-10 ADRC Transition & DBS Presentation (Waisman Transition Talks Tuesdays)
Slide deck from TTT: MMSD Getting Help as an Adult--Your ADRC
File: 2022-10-ADRC-Transition-DBS-Presentation-Waisman-Transition-Talks-Tuesdays.pdfSlide deck from TTT: MMSD Getting Help as an Adult--Your ADRC
File: 2022-10-ADRC-Transition-DBS-Presentation-Waisman-Transition-Talks-Tuesdays.pdf2023 Endless Possibilities Flyer -- Spanish language version
File: 2023EndlessPossibilitiesFlyer_Spanish.pdfInformation on the 2023 Endless Possibilities Conference
File: 2023EndlessPossibilitiesFlyer_English.pdfLast Wednesday Learning Sessions
Family Voices is offering free virtual learning sessions! Join the conversation
and learn from other families about navigating programs and supporting
your child and family’s needs.
Drop into these sessions—There’s no pre-registration
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84247074502
Meeting ID: 842 4707 4502
Phone-in Option: (312)626-6799
(This link will also be posted at familyvoiceswi.org and facebook.com/FVofWI)
A Spectrum of Connection: Relationships-What's Not Working, How to Fix It and Other Topics. A group conversation with Madeline Barger, MS, LMFT, BCBA
WHAT: a conversation where topics could include social skills and dating, online dating, sexuality, friendships and more. We will include some examples, practical suggestions, ideas and most importantly—your experiences and questions.
WHO: young adults and older teens who consider themselves to be on the autism spectrum, including those who identify as being Asperger’s
WHEN: Saturday, January 27, 2018
Alicia Ashman Library
733 High Point Road, Madison
REGISTRATION: no need to register and this is a free event. If you have questions, call the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin at 608.630.9147.
Information on services provided by ABC for Health and how to contact them.
File: ABCforhealth.pdfFlyer promoting Adaptive Gaming Expo in 2024
File: Adaptive-Gaming-Expo-Flyer-2024.pdfAll in for Kids is a newsletter created to keep you and your family informed about the supports and services available through the CLTS Waiver Program. The newsletter is published by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
File: kids-2020-04.pdfEvents SRC is sponsoring to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month.
File: AA2023flyer.docxWe will be joined by Scott Allen. Scott is on the Board of Directors of the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin, is a therapist with Lifestance Health, and leader of the INTEGRAL Conference (Autistic Adults). Part of Conversations on Showing Up for Kids! Slides
File: Dignity-Presentation.pdf