Caring for the Whole Family (Virtual)

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Zoom (register to receive link)
@ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
More information

Caring for the Whole Family
When you discover that your child is growing differently than other kids, you may experience a wide range of emotions as your world begins to change. Join us as we explore those emotions and the realities of raising a child with a special health care need or disability. Learn about resources and supports available for your whole family. This discussion is for families who may be new to the world of special health care needs and disabilities. Hand-outs and materials available at the Wisconsin Medical Home Initiative.

October 5, 2023 6:00-7:00pm Virtual     Registration    Trainingcalendarfall2023full

C.A.R.E. Medical Home Series for Families

This series of four presentations and discussions was developed to support families who have children or youth with special health care needs. The series includes Caring for the Whole FamilyAssembling a Care NotebookRequesting a Shared Plan of Care, and Exploring Care Mapping. At the end of the discussions, participants will understand what a medical home is, how a medical home may benefit their child and family. The discussions are appropriate for both professionals and families.

Join us to learn strategies to coordinate and strengthen communication with your child’s health care team and other partners you work with.  You can register for one, two, three or all four of the workshops at once.  Workshops will be presented over Zoom and you will receive connection information after you register.   Handouts and materials are available at the Wisconsin Medical Home Initiative. We will email you materials you may need for each workshop if requested.