December 16 12:-00-12:45
Winter Break – Moving, Sensing and Feeling
Video recording of Preparing for and Navigation Transition and Changes in Routine
December 9 12:00-12:45
Winter Break – Preparing for and Navigating Transitions and Changes in Routine
Video recording of Preparing for and Navigation Transition and Changes in Routine
Winter Break – Moving, Sensing and Feeling
Winter break and the holidays can be a fun-filled time- but for those with autism, this time can be challenging. In this presentation, we will discuss movement, sensory and relational strategies to keep everyone having a good time!
Presenter: Jen Bluske is an occupational therapist and director at Children’s Therapy Network in Madison. She provides relationship-based therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder and believes in the power of movement strategies to help the whole family regulate together!
Winter Break – Preparing for and Navigating Transitions and Changes in Routine
Breaks from school can involve various transitions and changes in routines. With the winter school break and holidays approaching, there may be activities and events that families are looking forward to in addition to thinking about changes in daily activities/routines that can be stressful and accompany this time of year. In this presentation, we’ll discuss strategies for supporting children with autism with changes related to transitions and routines over the winter break and holidays!
Presenter: Alyssa Walsh is a licensed psychologist at the Waisman Center where she provides focused behavioral intervention services to children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and their families in the Autism Treatment Programs.
This is Supposed to be Fun! Navigating the Winter Holidays, Autism, and your Extended Family
It’s supposed to be the “most magical time of the year,” and yet, the combination of holiday expectations, having a child with autism, and navigating family relationships can lead to stress, worry, and disappointment. Let’s talk about strategies for ensuring you make it through with your sanity and relationships intact as well as having some fun along the way. We’ll include some tips for the well-meaning extended family members with us as well. Finally, be sure to bring your own strategies to share with others and questions you hope to have answered.
Presenter: Erin Thomson, LCSW, is a Senior Clinical Social Worker in the Waisman Center Clinics and Autism Treatment Program. Erin works with families across the lifespan to ensure they have access to community resources, are well-supported in school, and identify ways to enhance family functioning. Erin hopes to maintain the fun throughout this holiday season for her own children.