TTT: Sauk Prairie Schools SDM and Guardianship

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Zoom (register to receive link)
@ 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
More information

Supportive Decision Making and Guardianship

There are alternatives to guardianship. Supported decision-making empowers individuals with disabilities to make informed decisions about their life that protect their rights and ensure their safety and privacy. It involves family and friends working together to help them make complex decisions. Presented by Tami Jackson, Public Policy Analyst and Legislative Liaison for the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD)

October 3, 2023   6:15-7:15pm     Registration

Transition has many pieces! Learn about what those pieces are and how you can stay a step ahead so your student can be successful. All Transition Talks Tuesdays (TTT) will be recorded and resource sheets will be made based on the recording. You can come back to this page to access the recordings. Download a flyer with dates, topics, and links. TTTflyerSauk

In the fall of 2023, Transition Talks Tuesdays will be 6:15-7:15pm, Tuesday nights, September 19-October 24. We will have a special presentation on September 12 at Noon which is only available virtually. For those who wish to attend the evening sessions in person, the Sauk Prairie School District’s district office (440 13th Street, Prairie du Sac) will be open to families who wish to attend. There will be a space for those in need of the Spanish translation session as well as one for English. All virtual and in-person sessions will have real-time interpretation into Spanish. Spanish interpretation is being underwritten by Sauk Prairie School District and the Wisconsin Integrated Transition Planning Project (WITPP). WITPP finds ways for youth with disabilities to get better information about healthcare, education, and employment services. This information can make the transition to adulthood easier. Visit their website to find helpful resources and ways to get involved. Interpretation will be provided by Interpreters Cooperative of Madison.

Transition Talks Tuesdays is a partnership with the Sauk Prairie School District and the Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.