Transition has many pieces! Learn about what those pieces are and how you can stay a step ahead so your student can be successful. All Transition Talks Tuesdays (TTT) will be recorded and resource sheets will be made based on the recording. You can come back to this page to access the recordings. Download a flyer with dates, topics, and links. TTTflyerSauk
In the fall of 2023, Transition Talks Tuesdays will be 6:15-7:15pm, Tuesday nights, September 19-October 24. We will have a special presentation on September 12 at Noon which is only available virtually. For those who wish to attend the evening sessions in person, the Sauk Prairie School District’s district office (440 13th Street, Prairie du Sac) will be open to families who wish to attend. There will be a space for those in need of the Spanish translation session as well as one for English. All virtual and in-person sessions will have real-time interpretation into Spanish. Spanish interpretation is being underwritten by Sauk Prairie School District and the Wisconsin Integrated Transition Planning Project (WITPP). WITPP finds ways for youth with disabilities to get better information about healthcare, education, and employment services. This information can make the transition to adulthood easier. Visit their website to find helpful resources and ways to get involved. Interpretation will be provided by Interpreters Cooperative of Madison.
Transition Talks Tuesdays is a partnership with the Sauk Prairie School District and the Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.
Special Needs Trusts
Come learn about special needs trusts, who needs to think about using them, when should you think about starting one and what Wispact is. Our guest will be James Giese, Director of Outreach for Wispact.
September 12, 2023 Recording (English) Recording Spanish WispactResourceSheet9.12.23 Wispact-Presentation-2023Slides
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) and Higher Education
The PTP is a part of the IEP which focuses on transition. A PTP is written with the IEP team, which includes the student, when a student is 13 turning 14 during the timeframe of their IEP. Learn the parts of a PTP and access the App. We will also talk about some things you need to know about Higher Education Financial Aid. Guest is Liz Kennedy, Transition Coordinator, Sauk Prairie School District.
September 19, 2023 Recording (English) Recording (Spanish) PTPresource sheet9.19.23 PTPHigherEd9.19.23Slides
PTPresource sheet9.19.23 Independent Living Goal Checklist TTT 9 19 PTP Sample TTT 9 19 Transition Services Areas on the PTP
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) — your next-step partner
We will discuss what the ADRC is and why it matters to youth and family. We will touch on Long-Term Care options for those over 18 as well as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). We welcome in Jim Pritzkow, Information and Assistance Specialist & Social Worker and Quinn Hause, Disability Benefits Specialist from the Sauk County ADRC.
September 26, 2023 Recording (English) Recording (Spanish) TTT Sauk: ADRC Resource Sheet 9.26.23 TTT Sauk: ADRC Presentation Slides
Supportive Decision Making and Guardianship
There are alternatives to guardianship. Supported decision-making empowers individuals with disabilities to make informed decisions about their life that protect their rights and ensure their safety and privacy. It involves family and friends working together to help them make complex decisions. Presented by Tami Jackson, Public Policy Analyst and Legislative Liaison for the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD)
October 3, 2023 Recording (English) Recording (Spanish) ResourceSheetSDM10.3.23 SDMSPSDslides10.3.23
Health Care Changes Too! Bridging the Gap from Adolescent to Adult Health Care
As we look ahead to our students/children turning 18, we need to keep an eye on health care. What steps need to be taken to move into the world of adult health care? What skills can be taught (even in middle school)? How can we tell what a student needs to know? Tim Markle from the Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and the Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative, and his young adult son Hunter, will be our presenters. We were also joined by Dr. Leah Ederer who works with Special Olympics Wisconsin.
October 10, 2023 Recording (English) Recording (Spanish) BtGResourceSheet10.10.23 BtGTTT10.10.23 About Me Doctor form
Disability Work Benefits: Navigating Work and Support
Having a job increases self-esteem, brings in income, supports social development and so much more! But it can be tricky working and receiving support. Luckily there are Work Benefits Specialists who can help. We will be joined by Amber Kwiatkowski from ERI, Inc.
October 17, 2023 Recording (English) Recording (Spanish) Disbenefits resource sheet10.17.23 TTTBenefits10.17.23 MAPP Information PASS Plan Brochure factsheet-what-is-social-security-ticket-to-work-program
Sauk Prairie Schools Beyond 18 & Employment
Hear about the exciting and innovative post-secondary options for students with disabilities. Learn about options for students 18 and older, and get some basic information on who you can partner with to find (and keep) a job. We welcome in Liz Kennedy, Transition Coordinator, from the Sauk Prairie School District and her colleagues, Chuck Murphree and Sherrie Murkala. We will also learn about the unique and award winning Financial Literacy program of the Ho-Chunk Nation from Katie Funmaker.
October 24, 2023 Recording (English) Recording (Spanish) SPSDBeyond18resource sheet10.24.23 Finacial Literacy Academy 18 to 21 Parent Survey for Planning Independent Living PostSecondary Goals TTT SPslides10.24.23 part of Transition Talks Tuesday with Sauk Prairie Schools. Spanish interpretation will be offered. TTTflyerSauk