Transition has many pieces! Learn about what those pieces are and how you can stay a step ahead so your student can be successful. All Transition Talks Tuesdays (TTT) will be recorded and resource sheets will be made based on the recording. You can come back to this page to access the recordings. Download a flyer with dates, topics, and links–TTTflyerColumbus
Transition Talks Tuesdays is a partnership with the Columbus School District Transition Program and the Children’s Resource Center-South. In 2024, Transition Talks Tuesdays will be 6:00-7:00pm, on specific Tuesday nights, beginning January 16 and the last session will be April 9.
You can choose to attend all sessions in-person at the Columbus High School Library (1164 Farnham Street in Columbus) with Jahlieh Henderson, Transition Coordinator for the Columbus School District, and Lisa Blochwitz, Director of Student Services. You can choose in-person or virtual when you register.
For more information about the Columbus School District Transition Program and attending in-person at the Columbus High School Library, please contact Jahlieh Henderson, Special Educator/Transition Coordinator, at 920-623-5956 x3132 or
You can register for any session or all sessions at TTTRegColumbus
After High School?
Learn about the transition to adult life for youth with disabilities and special health care needs. This learning opportunity covers the role of schools, long-term supports, public benefits, the change to adult health care, supported decision making options and other legal options, advocacy, employment, housing and living, the basics of self-determination, and imagining community life. Presented by Family Voices of Wisconsin.
January 16, 2024 Recording Family Voices Resource List WAHS resource sheet1.16.24 WAHS In-Person and Virtual 2024
Supportive Decision Making and Guardianship
Supported Decision Making (SDM) is an alternative to guardianship. Not every individual with an intellectual disability needs guardianship and the subsequent loss of their civil rights. SDM is an approach in which an individual is assisted with their decision making, which will enhance their skills, develop more independence, and allow them to take charge of their life. George Zaske – parent using Supported Decision Making, an attorney, member of statewide group promoting Supporting Decision Making and disability advocate will be our presenter
January 30, 2024 Recording ResourceSheetSDM1.30.24 SDM1.30.24Slides
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) — Your Next-Step Partner
We will discuss what the ADRC is and why it matters to youth and family. We will touch on Long-Term Care options for those over 18 as well as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Our guest is Serena Robson- Information and Assistance Specialist from the ADRC of Columbus County.
February 13, 2024 Recording ADRCresourcesheet2.13.24 ColumbiaADRCslides2.13.24
Health Care Transition: Bridging the Gap from Adolescent to Adult Health Care
As we look ahead to our students/children turning 18, we need to keep an eye on health care. What steps need to be taken to move into the world of adult health care? What skills can be taught (even in middle school)? How can we tell what a student needs to know? Tim Markle from the Children’s Resource Center-South and the Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative, and his young adult son Hunter, will be our presenters.
March 5, 2024 Recording HCTResourceSheet3.5.24 BtGTTT3.5.24
Ready to Work: Finding and Keeping Integrated Employment and the Role of Job Developers
Students can and should connect with the Division t of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) while they are in school. Come and learn how DVR and Vocational Agencies support students in preparing to work, finding work and supporting them at work. We will be joined by a Jesse DeAngelis, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor with DVR.
April 2, 2024 Recording DVRResourceSheet4.2.24 DVR Transition Services PwPt my info
Employer Panel
Looking for employers who hire people with disabilities? Want to learn what they do to make it work? Our guests will be from Columbus businesses that work with the Columbus School District Transition Program to help employ students with disabilities.
April 9, 2024 Recording
Looking Ahead: Special Needs Financial Planning for the Future
What will happen to your child when you are no longer around to take care of them? How does the ABLE Act of 2014 impact their future? This workshop is designed to help families plan for the financial future of their child(ren), or other dependents, with special needs. Learn about eligibility for government benefits while helping to meet the needs for lifetime of care and quality of life issues. This presentation will cover estate planning, ABLE accounts, guardianship, wills and trusts, and Letter of Intent. We were joined by Paul Brokenshire from Special Needs Planning, LLC.
April 16th, 2023 Recording TTT Columbus: SNP Resources TTT Columbus SNP Slides