Harnessing Abilities Rounding Up Resources Financial Planning 11.20.21

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Special Needs Financial Planning Resource Sheet

If you’ve been searching for special needs financial planning advice, you’ve probably noticed that there are not many people that can answer your detailed questions. Families, often overwhelmed and busy with other areas of life, need help developing the habits and planning skills needed to ensure that the entire family will be provided for. How will you care for yourself? How will you care for your child for the rest of their life? Do your plans now, help to guarantee the security of your family’s future? Join us for a discussion on Special Needs Financial planning to see what areas are similar to traditional planning, and what areas are quite different. Presented by Joel Dettwiler. Joel Dettwiler, ChSNC® is a financial planner and special needs planning consultant with the Quantum Group, in Onalaska, WI. Joel works with families throughout the Wisconsin & the Midwest in the areas of Family Financial Planning, Social Security, Medicaid, ABLE Accounts, Special Needs Trusts, and Letters of Intent. www.quantumplanners.com