Transition has many pieces! Learn about what those pieces are and how you can stay a step ahead so your student can be successful. All Transition Talks Tuesdays will be recorded and resource sheets will be made based on the recording. You can come back to this page to access the recordings.
Transition Talks Tuesdays is a partnership with the New Lisbon School District, partners in Juneau and Adams Counties, and the Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.
What’s After High School?
Learn about the transition to adult life for youth with disabilities and special health care needs. This training covers the role of schools, long-term supports, public benefits, the change to adult health care, supported decision making options and other legal options, advocacy, employment, housing and living, the basics of self-determination, and imagining community life. Presented by Barbara Katz, Co-Director, Family Voices of Wisconsin. It will be helpful to watch the video and view more resources at (Presented 1.2.22)
Disability Work Benefits: Navigating Work and Support
Having a job increases self-esteem, brings in income, support social development and so much more! But it can be tricky working and receiving support. Luckily there are Work Benefits Specialist who can help. We will be joined by Sarah Schroeder who is a Work Incentives Benefit Specialist.
February 15, 2022
Ready to Work: Finding and Keeping Integrated Employment
Students can and should connect with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) while they are in school. Come and learn how DVR and Vocational Agencies support students in preparing to work, finding work and supporting them at work. Presentation by Keila Dunsmoor and Jim Mazzetti, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors with DVR.
March 1, 2022
Post-Secondary Transition Plan (PTP)
Learn how your school is using the Post-Secondary Transition Plan (PTP) to guide your child’s learning in high school to prepare for their life after high school. Find out how families and educators us this tool and where you can find the app to build a PTP. We will be joined by Brian Kenney and Jen Twite from the Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant and Julie Mecikalski, Transition Coordinator at New Lisbon High School.
March 8, 2022
Recording Resource Sheet (with link to presentation slides)
Getting Help as an Adult: Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
Learn what services the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) provides. The ADRC has been called the “gatekeeper” to adult programs. Find out when, why and how you will need to connect with them. We will be joined by Nickie Preuss, Lead Information and Referral Specialist, and Tiara Hoffman, Disability Benefits Specialist, from the Juneau County ADRC.
April 5, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet Slides
Health Care Changes Too! Bridging the Gap
As we look ahead to our students/children turning 18, we need to keep an eye on health care. What steps need to be taken to move into the world of adult health care? What skills can be taught (even in middle school)? How can we tell what a student needs to know? Tim Markle from the Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and the Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative, and his young adult son Hunter, will be our presenters.
April 19, 2022 Recording Resource Sheet Slides
Higher Education Options: What do I Need to Know?
Some of our students want to go to school after high school. But should they choose a 4-year college, 2-year college, technical college? How can they get the supports they need to succeed? Come learn about what are some of the options and some of the supports if a student wants to go to college. We will be joined by Kris Follansbee from Western Technical College and Chris Coppess from UW-La Crosse.
May 3, 6:00pm-7:00pm Recording Resource Sheet Slides
Supportive Decision Making and Guardianship
There are alternatives to guardianship. Supported decision-making empowers individuals with disabilities to make informed decisions about their life that protect their rights and ensure their safety and privacy. It involves family and friends working together to help them make complex decisions. Presented by Tami Jackson, Public Policy Analyst and Legislative Liaison for the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD)
May 10, 6:00pm-7:00pm