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Learn About Specific Conditions & Disabilities

Parents often identify a lack of information about resources as one of the greatest barriers to care giving. For families and many professionals, finding resources is often like navigating a complicated maze with no clear set of directions.

Families and professionals may call the “Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs” and talk with staff one on one about specific questions or concerns.

My Child’s Health Condition

When looking for information about your child’s medical condition always consult with your child’s treating physician.  For resources related to your child’s condition visit some of these websites.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the leading federal agency for protecting the health and safety of individuals.
  • Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin features detailed health information for children, listed by disease, disorder or organ. You can also find a list of additional online resources under each diagnosis.
  • Family Voices of Wisconsin Fact Sheets on Healthcare Topics has easy-to-understand information for families on a variety of health and insurance topics.
  • Healthfinder is a website developed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Resources to provide reliable health information.
  • HealthyChildren.org is backed by 64,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental and social health and well-being for infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
  • The National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) provides information on specific diagnoses, along with links to specific organizations that are affiliated with those particular diagnoses. Non-subscribers receive a brief report. For a full report, please contact our office at 877-568-5205.

You can also click on the topic below to find detailed information about different medical conditions:



Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Cerebral Palsy

Childhood Cancers

Cystic Fibrosis

Developmental Delays


Down Syndrome


Hearing Loss

Heart Disease

Learning Disability

Mental Health Conditions

Muscular Dystrophy


Speech Delays

Spina Bifida

Vision Impairment

Or other conditions not listed here?

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